Marcel Cachin primary schools


Marcel Cachin primary schools,
160 rue P et C Thomoux,

93330 Neuilly-sur-Marne

01 43 08 23 42


Morning reception :
Reception Centre le Petit Bois 1

The opening of morning childcare in elementary schools is subject to a minimum attendance commitment of 12 children.
A team of municipal staff welcome the children from 7.00 am and accompany them to school by 8.30 am.

School meals :
School meals are available from 11.30am to 1.30pm. Children are looked after by a team of local staff.
A school catering charter details how the activity works and the rules to be respected.

The study period runs from 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm. A break and snack time (families must provide snacks) is organised until 5pm. From 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m., a supervised study period allows children to work on their lessons.


Number of pupils: 315
Number of classes: 13
Average number of pupils per class: 24

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