Support - Parenting

With just a few weeks to go before the arrival of your child, there are a few things you need to do to ensure that your child is welcomed in the best possible conditions.

Early recognition

If you are living in a common-law relationship and are expecting a child, early recognition - a legal act - enables you to establish officially and irrevocably the relationship between your parents. filiation with the child. This is not automatic when the parents are not married, particularly in the case of the future father. It also allows automatic legal exercise of parental authority of the latter. Failing this, the mother has sole custody until the child is recognised.

When should the child be recognised?

Before or after It simplifies future formalities and allows parental authority to be exercised from birth.
Please note: recognition is declaratory and commits you. If you make a false declaration, you may be liable to criminal penalties.

What steps do I need to take?

Gather the supporting documents to provide and meet at theTown HallYou do not need to make an appointment to submit these documents to the Civil Status Department. If your file is complete, the declaration of recognition will be registered and a full copy of the recognition deed will be issued to you immediately.

Declaration of birth

The birth declaration is mandatory for all children. It must be carried out within 3 days of the birth by the father or any other person who attended the birth. It makes it possible to give a child's legal existenceto establish its identity and parentage.

Who must declare the birth of a child?

Usually the father, but if necessary a doctor, midwife or other health care professional. any person who attended the birth.

When should I declare the birth of a child?

The declaration must be submitted within 3 working days of the birth.excluding the day of birth. If the child is born on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the deadline is extended to the following Monday.

Attention A birth that has not been declared within this time limit can only be entered in the registers on presentation of a judgement handed down by the tribunal de grande instance in which the child was born.

Where to report the birth of a child

At the town hall of the place of birth. However, some maternity units offer this service in-house.

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