Financial aid

There are schemes to help people with financial difficulties. 

Housing-related social support

Its aim is to help households in difficulty to access or remain in housing, with a view to sustainable integration. This is a specific, time-limited intervention, subject to the agreement of the households concerned.

It is carried out by a social worker, a social and family economics advisor. A.S.L.L. measures are financed under the Fonds de Solidarité Logement (a departmental scheme that allocates financial assistance to households whose level of resources is an obstacle to accessing housing or staying in accommodation).

How do I apply?

The request must be made by a social worker, who will refer you to the CCAS social and family economy adviser.

An administrative address

Domiciliation enables people without a stable address, or living in mobile or insecure accommodation, to have an administrative address at which they can exercise their civil, civic and social rights.

The CCAS elects the address of people who request it, if they have a link with the commune.

If people have no connection with the municipality, they can apply to another organisation that can take them in.

How do I apply?

At the CCAS reception desk, with any document justifying the link with the commune.

Water Social Fund

Via the Fonds de Solidarité Logement, Véolia Eau Ile de France participates in the financial aid scheme for individuals or families in precarious situations.

How do I apply?

If you are a direct subscriber to the VEOLIA drinking water distribution network and have invoices issued in your name by VEOLIA, you should apply to the CCAS.

The allocation of personalised support vouchers is examined by a weekly committee on the basis of resources and water consumption.

For people who do not subscribe directly to the public drinking water service, the request must be made by a social worker in the context of rent arrears (including water debt).
The case will first be presented to the local FSL committee, then validated by the Conseil Départemental if the total debt exceeds a certain amount.

Energy bills

The Fonds de Solidarité Energie (Energy Solidarity Fund) is part of the Fonds de Solidarité Logement (Housing Solidarity Fund), which helps with the payment of energy bills, subject to a means test. Applications are examined by a monthly committee.

How do I apply?

Single people or pensioners with no dependent children can apply at the CCAS.

Other people can build up their file with the Departmental Social Service, the RSA City Project, Seminoc, PRE, all the social workers at CMP or Hospitals... and also by the people concerned themselves, provided they supply all the supporting documents needed to study the file.

Basic needs

The CCAS can provide exceptional assistance in the form of a service voucher in the event of extreme emergency relating to basic needs.

How do I apply?

Applications must be made by a social worker and are examined by a committee that meets once a week, depending on the family's means of subsistence and composition. The committee reserves the right to request additional documents.

Centre Communal d'Action Sociale

Manager: Mrs Beauvillier
Public Services Centre
📍 20 rue Paul et Camille Thomoux
93330 Neuilly-sur-Marne
📞 01 41 54 80 55

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