My town is fighting cancer
Depuis mai 2021, Neuilly-sur-Marne joins forces with the League Against Cancer through a partnership.
The purpose of the agreement is to promote links between local players from the City and the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale and the Comité de Seine-Saint-Denis de la League against cancer in order to unite and involve as many people as possible in setting up information campaigns and developing environments conducive to health.
Neuilly-sur-Marne is committed to developing screening and prevention initiatives in support of Pink October and the Blue Challenge to combat cancer, the leading cause of death in men.

Smoke-free areas
It is estimated that without tobacco, almost a third of deaths could be avoided. In Seine-Saint-Denis, the health indicators for cancer are particularly alarming. Neuilly-sur-Marne then signed up to the "Espace sans tabac" (Tobacco-Free Space) label, with the aim of protecting green spaces from cigarette butts and fires.
The aim of this operation is to raise awareness and prevent smoking, by helping to reduce the initiation of smoking among young people and eliminate exposure to passive smoking, particularly among children. The aim is also to set an example by creating healthy, user-friendly public spaces. Banning smoking in public places helps to denormalise smoking in society. The more a product disappears from our environment, the less it is consumed.
As well as having a positive impact on our health, this measure also helps the environment, as cigarette butts with non-biodegradable filters take years to disappear. In this way, we can all enjoy a more pleasant leisure environment.
Areas concerned: Parc Guérin, Square des Primevères, Square Duguay Trouin, Square de la Libération, Square Schoelcher, Square des Romarins, Square des Amis, Square Pasteur, Square des Poètes and Square de l'eau.
Operation School Diary
Also, the school diary operationThis project, carried out in partnership with the Inspection Académique, involves schools in the Seine-Saint-Denis department in the production of a diary that will be given to CM2 pupils at the start of the new school year. This is a preventive school diary designed to raise awareness of various health issues such as sleep, diet, physical activity, alcohol, tobacco and screen abuse. Pupils can note down their homework while discovering the illustrations, games and prevention messages created by other CM2 pupils.
Using the diary as a link between school and home, children will be able to discuss these different health topics with their parents. Volunteer classes will benefit from a two-hour intervention, culminating in the creation of a drawing on a given theme, which will be incorporated into the diary.