Urban renewal

A. The first urban renewal project 2008-2021

After more than ten years of implementation, the operational programme for the first Fauvettes urban regeneration project has been completed. Two tower blocks containing 354 social housing units have been demolished, 728 new homes (both social and private) have been built, 424 homes have been refurbished, 9 buildings have been made residential and new public facilities have increased the number of services in the district. Taken together, these initiatives have improved the quality of life for more than 10,000 residents.

 B. 2021-2030: a new project to continue the regeneration of the district

In 2017, Neuilly-sur-Marne embarked on a second urban renewal project, as part of the New National Urban Renewal Programme (NPNRU) . 

This new project, on which the first works will start in 2021, covers an area of the entire neighbourhood1. Priority will be given to the areas in the heart and south of the district that were not renovated during the first programme. The aim is to continue the efforts of the first urban renewal project in order to :

  • Transforming Val Coteau/Les Fauvettes into a high-quality, socially mixed residential area
  • Enhancing the dynamism and attractiveness of the district centre, offering a wide range of services to the population
  • Making the most of and integrating existing nature areas to make Val Coteau/Les Fauvettes a key part of the local green network.

In response to these objectives, the operations planned as part of the project are organised around 5 main strategic areas:

  1. Demolish and/or renovate older buildings to create high-quality living spaces
  2. Diversifying the housing stock to promote a social mix
  3. Offering new services to meet local needs and revitalise the neighbourhood
  4. Developing outdoor spaces to improve the quality of life and mobility
  5. Promoting an exemplary sustainable development approach to meet major environmental challenges and improve quality of life.

 C. Involving local residents in the project

As the first to be affected by the forthcoming changes, residents have a role to play in the future project!

From 15 March to 14 June 2021, Grand Paris Grand Est proposed an initial consultation phase, prior to the signing of the agreement with the Agence Nationale de la Rénovation Urbaine (signed in December 2021). For three months, residents, partners and users were able to find out more about the new project and contribute their opinions and proposals to enrich it before the first works began. Click here the complete check-upapproved by the Territory Council on 29 June 2021.

Throughout the project, regular information and consultation campaigns will be offered to enable residents of Nocé to follow the progress of the operations and to take part in the transformation of certain public spaces and in the development of the local economy. improving the quality of lifewhether as part of the Project Housewhich opened its doors in September 2021, and other events in the district and in the city.
Agenda and resources available on the EPT Grand Paris Grand Est website: https://www.grandparisgrandest.fr/fr/des-quartiers-en-renouveau

The "lived-in district" corresponds to the perimeter of the former Fauvettes Sensitive Urban Area. Its perimeter is wider than that of the Val Coteau priority neighbourhood. Created in 2014 as part of the new geography of urban policy, the latter focuses solely on areas with a high concentration of social housing.


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