CCAS missions

The Centre Communal d'Action Sociale runs a general prevention and social development programme, in partnership with local players. It is involved in processing applications for social assistance. It offers food and financial assistance and individual support. It manages social and medico-social services and establishments in the city.

The Centre Communal d'Action Sociale is managed by a Board of Directors which determines the direction and priorities of local social policy.

The Board of Directors is chaired by the Mayor and comprises :

  • Elected members of the Municipal Council
  • Members appointed by the Mayor
  • Representatives of associations working with disabled people
  • Retirees
  • Elderly people in the department
  • Associations working in the field of integration and the fight against exclusion

Legal social assistance

The CCAS is involved in examining applications for social assistance (RSA, Maison Départementale du Handicap, social assistance for the elderly and disabled), managing the heatwave plan…).

Optional social assistance

The CCAS runs a general prevention and social development programme in the municipality, in collaboration with local social partners.

Social Division

Senior division

  • Senior activities
  • A home help and support service
  • A home-delivery meal service
  • A home nursing service (SSIAD)
  • ADPA assessments

Centre Communal d'Action Sociale

Manager: Mrs Beauvillier
Public Services Centre
📍 20 rue Paul et Camille Thomoux
93330 Neuilly-sur-Marne
📞 01 41 54 80 50

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